Uroflowmeter Flowline Tab
Computerized Flowmetry System, a dedicated tablet with unique features, 10.1" color LCD Touch-Screen
It connects to any printer compatible with both laser and color systems. Thanks to the HotSpot system, it can be controlled by another tablet, smartphone, or PC with any operating system.
To learn more, contact us directly, and we will provide you with a personalized offer based on your needs.
Complete software for viewing, storing, and analyzing Flowmetric tests. Advanced analysis for trace processing, comparison over time of individual patient exams. Statistics, nomograms, reports.
Computer integrato Sistema Operativo Linux Multi Tasking possibilità di collegamento anche a PC esterno , o ad altro Tablet , o Smartphone tramite collegamento diretto con WI-FI. RAM 4GB/8GB MICRO SD 64 GB USCITE UNA USB WI-FI BLUETOOTH​
Check the battery status
Real-time tracking display
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Take the exam manually or automatically as you prefer
Connect the peripherals, using USB inputs
Archive and Medical Record
Don't waste any more time, buy your new computerized uroflowmeter and enhance the value and image you will provide to your patients.